Thursday, September 23, 2010

First Frost of the Year

I don’t hate winter. I know a lot of people who can’t stand the cold days and the long nights. For me the winter is a time to reflect on the year gone past. My birthday, as well as a few other significant events, happen during the fall and winter months. These events give me a time to be thankful and look at where my life is going.
            One thing that winter brings with it is the first frost of the year. For me this time used to be significant because I love to garden. When it starts to dip around 40 at night it is time for the final harvest. Anything that is less hardy must be ripped up immediately while things like squash can be left out but need to be properly protected.
            After that first frost those everything must be ripped up, plowed under, and brought in to be processed. The ground is left barren like you were never there. It’s hard to see your land sit this way but there is something good about it. It gives the soil time to heal and it allows you to plan for the spring. Any mistakes you make the first year you can fix the following. It’s always changing but one thing stays the same, every winter you get to look at way you have created and enjoy the benefits of your long summers work.
            The reason I bring this up is that I’m in college now and I don’t get this closer at the end of summer. I plan my garden every year starting around Christmas and I work in if from April-August. Just about the time however when I used to enjoy the benefits, I have to leave and the place is left to rot. I’m not sure if I will have another garden next year or not. But those of you who stay in one place the year round should give it a try. Very little else is quite as rewarding and you’ll find that it brings you great joy.

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