Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Final Fantasy America (meaning easy)

Final Fantasy Mystic Quest was originally released on the Super Nintendo to try to encourage new people to get into JRPG’s. The game was much easier than your typical RPG and the back of the box even claimed it to be the first RPG for the entry-level player.

The game only allowed you to play as two characters at one time and the combat was significantly less complex than other games in the series. Instead of random battles there were visible monsters that could be approached and fought or avoided all together. Even weapons were “uninspired” as you went from sword to bigger sword without any real choices.

Now that the game her been put up for download as a Wii Ware title everyone is bashing it again for not being hard enough. I don’t understand why it is so “cool” to hate this game. What were you people expecting? It says it’s easy on the box. That’s why I played it! I was a little kid at the time and wanted something that would take less time that a full-fledged Final Fantasy so I picked it up used for a few dollars.

It wasn’t the best game I ever played. The story was uninspired and the combat was less intense but it was still fun! If you enjoy the remakes on the DS and have already beat everything else you want to play you should give it a try. You might not like it, but I think you will. Just go into it knowing that it will be easy and you will enjoy the ride. If nothing else you will get to experience a part of gaming history and finally be able to develop your own thoughts on the game. 

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